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It's Zeta Reticula Contactee Night Tonite!

I've never heard the program before.  I listened to the
whole thing last night.  I thought both Nancy Lieder and
George Noory did OK.  Not great, but not bad, either.
Lieder came across as articulate and more intelligent than
her writing indicates.  She never got nervous or flustered.
She explained herself fairly well.  Although she evaded
meaningful replies to questions a few times, for the most
part she was responsive.
Noory did a good job of being evenhanded, not aggravating
the guest or the callers.  He did get a bit hot when Nancy
said that George Bush won the presidency by coup, but he
quickly caught himself and cooled down.  (That is one thing
I would agree with Nancy on.  Although I would not use the
word "coup", it is not clear who would have been elected
if everything worked the way it is supposed to.  GWB was
elected by a vote of five-to-four.  Five voting to stop the
election prematurely, and four voting to let the voters in
Florida decide who they wanted.  So there.  :-P )
The only really remarkable thing about the program is how
it must have sounded to anyone who didn't already know what
was being discussed.  "Oh, the world is going to turn over
on its side next May, and ninety percent of the world's
population is going to die.  What else is new?"  Either
you recognize that she is a nut, and Noory was just being a
good host in not attacking her, but letting her have her
say (that's what she was on the program for, of course), or
you go berserk.
  -- Jeff, in Minneapolis