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Re: J William Dell Conceeds all points; Re: Planet X Debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell

To: IMN Idiot
formerly known as IM Openminded, a known strawman, a coward, fraud, and charlatan,
who has refused my debate.

1) I told you that if you persisted I would take the time to prove you a moron,
   and what little time it takes.

   "Where I have considered you just a weasel until now, 
   if you continue to natter on these sidelines,
   I will take the time to prove you are a moron. "

You, an allegedly educated man, writing the title for your post.
"J William Dell Conceeds all points; Re: Planet X Debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell"

" CONCEEDS ".    Look it up!

You are a perfect example of the old adage
   "Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool.
   Than to open it, and leave no doubt. "

I now add " Moron " to your epithet.

2) The debate is ended. A Statement of Claim has been filed, 
   and as I have stated;
      " As time will quickly prove the issue,
        There is no need for a vote. "

3) As I leave the field of debate for a time, I give you and others
   the reminder,

To: IMN Idiot
formerly known as IM Openminded, a known strawman, a coward, fraud, charlatan,
and a moron, who has refused my debate.

Let It be Known;

By your refusal to agree, to the rules of engagement, and debate, it can now be seen;

That you are a coward who hides behind anonymity, to shield yourself from
the recognition of your cowardice, amongst your peers in the Astronomic
community, the whole Scientific community, and the Public.

You are a fraud who is unwilling to put your findings before scrutiny of the
Scientific Community because your findings are fraudulent.

You are a charlatan pretending to be both a scientist and a leader of the
astronomic society.

Your method and your person are contemptible before the eyes of man.

J.William Dell