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Re: Planet X: a NEW Zetan Emissary?

Sarah Mc wrote:


> Why didn't you use some of that $50,000 US that you took in from cult
> members to actually rent time on an "observatory" scope, and prove to
> the world that your planet actually exists?

There is no cult, and Nancy has not taken any money from the TT Inc.
donations. Only a small portion of the donations actually have come from the
TT members, and everything is accounted for.

> Why are there no "shortwave" courses on your web site, when some
> $5,000 was donated specifically for that cause? The infintesimaly
> small amount that's there is buried so deep that no one will find it.

The ham shortwave courses were the idea & workings of a previous TT member,
who was an ex-military communications expert and well qualified to hold such
courses. When he left, the development of the courses was discontinued.

Since ham radio operators require licensing, it has been our recommendation
that people should get such ham licenses through ARRL or their local ham
radio organization.


> Why does your "non-profit" TT site have links to your book and video,
> a personal income producer?

Nope, those links are from Nancy's ZetaTalk site, not the TT site.
Previously, the TT site was hosted as a part of ZetaTalk. It is now hosted
separately as for the general information, and for the Inc related material.

> How long do you intend to keep your website up after April 1st?

If Planet X is visible with the naked eye as it is supposed to be 7 weeks
prior to the pole shift, the TT web site will stay up for as long as
possible. If however nothing is to be seen by April 1, then it will be my
recommendation to the board that the TT site be terminated.

> I asked before, if your planet doesn't appear by next April 1st, are
> you willing to liquidate all the TT property, including your
> computers, servers and office equipment, and donate the proceeds to a
> public observatory. I ask again, are you willing to stand your ground?
> Claiming you'll be "burned at the stick" is not enough, because well
> know that won't happen.

This is not Nancy's personal call, but the TT Inc. Board of Directors'
decision, where Nancy has one vote.

If the ZetaTalk predictions should turn out to be wrong, and Planet X nowhere
to be seen in the sky in April/May 2003, it will be my recommendation to the
board that the TT Inc. is liquidated and all equipment donated to a just
cause, whatever that may be.

> Are you willing to prove your commitment to ZetaTalk's May 15, 2003
> date, and promise to liquidate your assets and make a donation towards
> an astronomy related charity?

See above.

However, given the current Earth changes etc. as predicted by ZetaTalk,
I would be surprised if May 2003 comes and goes and nothing happens.
