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Planet X: ZetaTalk ACCURACY

Beyond the cases where: 
 1. ZetaTalk made a statement, preferably on live radio 
    or a usenet posting so timing can be verified
 2. LATER some news or science report shows ZetaTalk
    to have been on target, where they could not have had 
Which are documented in the ZetaTalk Accuracy TOPIC

There are daily confirmations that I, Nancy, get that ZetaTalk is
accurate, 100% so.  

Just yesterday, someone showed me a recent article on what it would mean
for the world should ALL the ice in Antarctica melt.  Estimate was a 200
foot rise in sea level.  Back in 1995, ZetaTalk stated an approximate
650-700 foot rise in sea level to be caused by the existing pole being
put under the equatorial sun.  Check the New Geo and Melting Ice Caps
pages to see this diagrammed.  Not only the poles, but Greenland, which
has MORE ice than Antartica, under the new equatorial sun.  Now, did I
have that 200 foot measure before me in 1995?  Nope.  Figure 200 for
Antarctica + 200 for Arctic ice + 200 at least for Greenland ice + 50
for melted glaciers elsewhere = 650 feet. 

When I wrote the ZetaTalk on Planet X, being 4 times the diameter of
Earth but 23 times as massive, and during the same time frame wrote that
the hominoids living on that smoldering brown dwarf are “almost twice”
the size of man, more bone mass and muscularity and height because this
is needed for the gravity pull on that planet, I had zero notion, brain
dead as I am on math, on how to compute surface gravity pull based on
mass of an object.  Someone with a physics degree wrote to me to express
doubt.  How could 23 times as massive as Earth result in hominoids only
that increase in size? Then he wrote back to say that the gravity
equations in fact computed that the surface of such a planet would have
1.6 the pull of Earth.

In the fall of 1995 someone was trying to help me get a diagram of the
Passage, and we went back and forth on e-mail for a couple weeks, he
saying things did not line up.  After awhile I drew the concept I was
getting on PC Paintbrush, and sent this to him. I had Planet X coming
DOWN from Orion and the planets rotating around the Sun in a clockwise
orbit.  Flip this over, to be in accordance with human North/South
Up/Down thinking, and what I was describing fit perfectly.  Now, being a
complete ignoramus on astronomy, as most on this Usenet will agree, I
had no notion of orbit direction or location of Orion and whether
something coming from Orion in May, 2003 would be on this or that side
of the Sun, etc.
And finally, my tale of the broken windshield, also a tale that is
meaningful only to ME as confirmation, but the type of confirmation I am
presented with on a daily basis.  A year ago I had a crack in my
windshield, such that the crack was making a circle and I worried it
would break some day when I was going down the highway.  Being broke, I
put off fixing it, but this was taken out of my hands one day when I was
driving under some pine trees.  BLAM, a branch impaled the windshield,
in what appeared to be a branch breaking off in the wind.  Windshield
completely shattered, the branch coming in on one side and ending up in
my lap, literally, on the other side. Odd thing, there was glass all
over the front seat, littered, the dashboard and seats and floor
covered.  But I had NO glass whatsoever on my sweater or hair.  NONE. 
The Zetas later told me “you weren’t even in the car when this