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Re: ZetaTalk Gravity: Insight or Insanity?

In Article <> Quantum Certainty wrote:
>> Excellent start, but you err in including velocity. ...
>> Do you compute the velocity of LIGHT when doing a
>> computation on light refraction on the surface of Earth,
>> or light reflection from Mars?  ...  In this regard, treat
>> gravity particles as you do light particles, during your
>> generation of a human Repulsion Force formula.
>>    ZetaTalk™
> I included velocity because Zetatalk states that "the outward
> streams are propelled, with a force and at a SPEED (my
> emphasis) so much greater than the downward drafts that
> this occurs over less of a surface area and without engaging
> the mass of the object." Thus, I concluded that speed was
> an important factor in calculating the force exerted. So does
> the repulsion force travel faster than the attractive force?
> Or do they both travel at a constant speed? How fast do they
> travel compared with the speed of light?

    Relative to the slow drift downward, the outward bursts are
    4.87235 time faster.  Gravity acts in a mechanical fashion,
    failing to interact with all but a handful of sub-atomic
    particles, so being an independent particle on the move
    BOTH the downward drift and upblasts push aside atomic
    structures in their path.  The reason the updraft is faster is
    not only due to the pressure that occurs when a press finds
    an outlet, but due to the pathway that is arranged.  Like
    water spouting from a breach in a dam, this moves faster
    not only because of the pressure, but because the flow
    itself provides a type of vacumn behind it, sucking in what
    would fill that vacumn.  The force of the flow KEEPS the
    atomic structures which have been pushed aside to the side,
    and this likewise allows the intensity of the updraft to
    continue until abated.  Thus, the exist has a greater speed,
    while the entry spreads its mechanical press downward over
    a larger area, and for a longer time. Compared to the speed
    of light, gravity particles move more slowly.  If gravity
    moves at a rate of 1, light is a rate of 9.87104, a ratio
    putting gravity at approximately 1/10 of the speed of light.