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Re: Repulsion Force

In Article <>J. William Dell wrote:
> International Astrophysical Research Centre (IARC) Hubli,
> Astrophsicists, from Hubli, India have discovered ...
> If the Sun really exerted force of Gravitation, then, all
> Planets with their Satellites and rest bodies of the
> System should have collapsed into the Sun with the
> beginning of the Solar-System billions of years ago.
> Centrifugal is fictitious force having no existence. ...
> It is not possible by Gravitational force to keep bodies
> in spherical motion as believed in Newtonian Physics. ...
> The Universe should be on CONTRACTION if Newton's law of
> Universal Gravitation would be the reality. ...

Where I don't agree with the conclusions reached by these authors, at
least these guys are THINKING and TRYING to come up with an explanation.
Per these authors, for one thing, planets have gravitational pull, but
stars are repulsing.  Then why are the planet hanging around the sun,
and why do the planets stay apart? To return to examining the Repulsion
Force, per the Zetas this is a phenomena caused by gravity particles
escaping from a gravitational giant in bursts. This is the phenomenon
that prevents the Moon from orbiting the Earth at the level the
satellites orbit.  This is the factor that explains why the planets
return to their orbits after having been perturbed in closer to the sun.

    Where the repulsion force comes to equal the force of gravity
    by the time the objects in play would make contact, it builds
    at a rate that differs from gravity. ... The repulsion force is
    infinitesimally smaller than the force of gravity, but has a
    sharper curve so that it equals the force of gravity at the point
    of contact.
        ZetaTalk™, Repulsion Force

Per Newton,
    Inverse Square      F = G*M1*M2/r^2
    Centrifugal Force   F = G*M2*v^2
    Velocity            v = sqrt(G*M1/r)
    Orbit Constant     80 = M1*p^2/r^3

And this then means that per Newton, the Moon could orbit at the
distance of our satellites, or even at the Earth surface, at the
VELOCITY of the satellites, without a problem.  So if one assumes that a
Repulsion Force would develop between the Earth and Moon such that it
would EQUAL the force of gravity when the two bodies were in contact
with each other (touching), then what would this R factor be?  Assume
that the Moon at its present distance has some minimal amount of
Repulsion Force, but it is less than the force of Gravity.  What would
the R factor be to:

1. keep the Moon at the distance it is, preventing it from coming closer
   to Earth.
2. equal the force of gravity between the two bodies at the point of
3. allow the Moon to hover at the point of contact, no velocity

Where M1=Earth=5.9763E24 kg
      M2=Moon=7.3508E22 kg
       r=distance=3.844E8 km