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Planet X: (More) MASTDON Evidence

For the Discovery Channel, as transcribed by someone in the
Netherlands.  MORE proof that the Mastodons, in a HEALTHY state, were
essentially flash frozen by being moved, along with their SPRINGTIME
grasslands, into the polar circle which they were not prepared to
suffer.  They drown in the sloshing oceans that occur during a crust
shift, and froze, and did not thaw since, along with the grass and
wildflowers they were browsing.  The Discovery Channel interview avoids
the issue of how they got frozen and did not thaw since, and how they
got moved to the polar circle.  They also avoid the issue of how mud in
springtime would seal the mastodon and its fodder off from decay!  And
then there's the issue of why no mud was found around the frozen
mastodon, which were encased in ice!

   Discovery Channel, Mammoth-Documentary,
   Investigating the vegetation from within the frozen block
   Bas van Geel, (Amsterdam laboratory):

   COMMENTATOR:   Preliminary findings from the tusk
   tell Dann that the Jarkov Mammoth was in generally
   good health, faired well in his environment, and died in
   late winter or early spring. He may have died accidentally,
   since at 47 years old, he was still 12 years shy of the
   average Mammoth livespan. From the tests he ran at his
   Amsterdam laboratory, Bas van Geel has his own ideas of
   what happened.

   BAS VAN GEEL: We found the flowers of Artemisia,
   and some of these flowers are still CLOSED! They were
   not really a flower, but were fossilized at a moment when
   the pollon was still inside .... (and the flower was closed)
    ... which means, THAT'S NOT NORMAL!

   COOMMENTATOR:   The Artemisia's life cycle was
   interrupted before the height of summer. Bas thinks a
   mudstream may have covered the Jarkov Mammoth and
   the flowers trapped in the Earth were preserved for
   sighting. If, near the end of the ice-age, the temperatures
   on the Tymir changed dramatically, rainfall could have
   caused massive mudstreams."

   [Silence/pictures of a Mammoth-carcass, slowly being
    covered in mud and water]

   COMMENTATOR:   The muddy-flows could have
   burried the Jarkov Mammoth body, sealing out oxygen
   that causes decay. By the time winter's icy breath froze
   the earth, the carcass was entombed, and would lay
   alone and undisturbed, for over 20.000 years...

   <cut to new subject>

As Velikovsky said in his book, Earth in Upheaval:

    In 1797 the body of a mammoth, with flesh, skin, and
    hair, was found in northeastern Siberia. The flesh had
    the appearance of freshly frozen beef; it was edible, and
    wolves and sled dogs fed on it without harm. The ground
    must have been frozen ever since the day of their
    entombment; had it not been frozen, the bodies of the
    mammoths would have putrefied in a single summer, but
    they remained unspoiled for some thousands of years. In
    some mammoths, when discovered, even the eyeballs
    were still preserved.

    (All) this shows that the cold became suddenly extreme ..
    and knew no relenting afterward. In the stomachs and
    between the teeth of the mammoths were found plants
    and grasses that do not grow now in northern Siberia ..
    (but are) .. now found in southern Siberia. Microscopic
    examination of the skin showed red blood corpuscles,
    which was proof not only of a sudden death, but that the
    death was due to suffocation either by gases or water.

And the Zetas concur:

    The Mastodon is a species that went extinct during the
    past few pole shifts, primarily when the grasslands they
    browsed in Siberia were drawn rapidly into the new
    polar circle. But where drawn into water and drown, and
    then far enough north, the Mastodons were flash frozen.
    If the Mastodons were not flash frozen, they would be
    in some sort of state of decay - perhaps the skin
    preserved, but the internal organs a mush. This is not
    the case, as your recent documentaries on the frozen state
    of these preserved beasts shows! So if flash frozen, and
    frozen steadily since that date, then how did the
    Mastodons get green grass and buttercups in their
    stomachs? A fast trot to the Arctic Circle? Does anyone
    presume they ate snow? These were herbivors! Their
    grasslands were moved during poles shifts.
        ZetaTalk™, Mastodons