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Planet X: ORBIT Perturbation: Background 4

Prepatory to this Zeta response, I’ll quote briefly the Zeta statements
4. the Sun’s core rotates, with sweeping arms
   outreached that influence the planets

    All suns, being hot and therefore liquid or vaporous
    in the main, rotate, and do so for the same reasons
    that the Earth rotates - parts of the core are seeking
    to escape this or that side of the Universe, and due
    to the motion of rotation that this escape attempt
    initiates, these same parts find themselves back
    where they started from, not having any brakes as it
    were in a liquid or vaporous environment. The Sun's
    influence on its planets is more than light, more
    than the solar wind in all its components, more
    than the magnetic field it generates which reaches
    out beyond the planets. The Sun's rotation reflects
    the influences on it, those parts of the Universe that
    exert a gravitational pull or a magnetic clash, or if
    there are other large bodies close enough, a repulsion
    force. ... Why do the planets not orbit in all
    directions? Logically, if there were no enforcement,
    it would be chance, yet it seems instead to be the
    rule. A sun's rotation indicates where the dominant
    forces are on the sun, and these dominant forces
    effect more than the sun.
        ZetaTalk™, Orbital Planet

    [Planet X]'s Retrograde Orbit around the Sun is
    due to its reaction to an energy field emitted by
    the Sun. This energy field radiates out from the Sun
    intensely at certain points, like a moving arm,
    following the rotation of the Sun's core where the
    matter producing this energy field is located.
    Where the non-traveling planets are in essence swept
    along before this intense energy field, like dust balls
    in front of a broom, [Planet X] is not so trapped.
    Approaching from a distance, the 12th Planet reacts
    to this energy field by trying to evade it, and takes
    the path of least resistance. ... The sweeping arm
    of this energy field coming from the Sun passes
    by quickly out in space where [Planet X] rides
    at a distance, but builds in intensity and takes
    longer to sweep past the closer [Planet X]comes.
    ... as the energy field passes is then a stronger jerk
    backwards, away from the passing arm of the Sun's
    energy field. The backward reaction is due to the
    nature of the sweeping arm, like the cutting edge
    of a knife most intense at the cutting edge of the
    arm, but with more bulk of the energy field trailing
    after the cutting edge.
        ZetaTalk™, Retrograde Orbit

(See next posting: Background 5)