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Re: ENERGY WAVES - the Zetas Explain

Article: <5dni10$>
From: )
Subject: Re: ENERGY WAVES - the Zetas Explain
Date: 10 Feb 1997 16:22:56 GMT

In article <> Eric Kline writes:
> Nancy wrote:
>> Heat is composed of several subatomic particles ..
> Which particles are the heat particles? This is a specific
> question, Nancy. A specific answer would be a nice.
> eric kline <>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Heat is composed of a number of subatomic particle, just as light and electricity is. Why should heat be an exception? What IS heat if not a THING? Just as light particles or electrons can be bound to an atom due to attraction, but can also be freed and go on the move when the composition and motion factors in the immediate setting change, just so heat can be freed and go on the move. This is why heat and light are the dual component of most explosions - both particle types are on the move, and for the same reasons. The fact that mankind has not yet identified heat particles or put a name to them does not affect their reality. They exist, with or without an official name. Because the cave man did not have a name for galaxies, not being aware of them, did the galaxies then not exist?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])