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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <5dni3a$>
From: )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 10 Feb 1997 16:24:10 GMT

In article <5ddccu$> Lamont Granquist writes:
> Perturbation theory. If it was due in 6 years it would be
> within the orbit of the outer planets and we'd see it's
> gravitational effects (the same ones that you think are going
> to cause all kinds of nasty effects to the Earth). Nobody
> believes in the concept of a planet with a highly elliptical
> PLANETS ALONE. A back-of-the-envelope calculation
> puts the 12th planet less than 50 AU out if it is due in 6 years.
> We'd know it was there. It isn't.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You're making assumptions on how far out it is! Did we SAY it was 50 AU out? We did NOT. Do you know its speed, the uptick on its speed as it approaches? You do NOT. Do you have any prior experience with such a comet, a planet that acts as a comet? You do NOT! So stop shooting your mouth off quoting facts like you do!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

In article <5ddccu$> Lamont Granquist writes:
> Look, we know about *actual* conspiracies (e.g. the Chinese
> government using people it executes as organ donors, or
> Vietnam) because these operations are so large that people
> leak information about it (e.g. the Pentagon Papers). Where
> is the information leak? Vietnam was, by comparison, a
> much more ethically cloudy issue -- yet the Pentagon Papers
> were leaked by people who were ethically opposed to it.
> A 12-year old could determine the ethical problems involved
> in covering up the kind of conspiracy that you're talking about
> -- yet nobody in the conspiracy comes forward.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You admit to prior conspiracies, which were obviously KEPT from the public for years and only revealed due to the courage of a few, who often are killed for their courage, yet another conspiracy is an impossibility? In fact a conspiracy like the Hale-Bopp fraud or the Planet X (a.k.a. the 12th Planet) cover-up requires FEWER conspirators because those in control of the most powerful viewing equipment, NASA and JPL and the handful of astronomers allowed to work at the major observatories, HAVE ALREADY AGREED TO COOPERATE AS A CONDITION OF THEIR JOBS! If these authorities line up and prate the official word, then the layman is hard pressed to prove otherwise. In fact, the layman looks like a fool if they do so!

However, both these conspiracies will unravel over time - Hale-Bopp when it fails to blaze across the skies as predicted, and the 12th Planet when is becomes visible to the human eye and moves in the manner we outlined and when the Earth's rotation slows to the point where the apparent misbehavior of clocks becomes a common lunch-room topic.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])