icon Material Goods

I have been listening and I seem to sense that most of the discussions are in regards to what material goods you can take with you. True that these man made things will be valuable but they can also be taken from you. Should you rely solely on man made products or should more emphasis be placed on knowledge and skills? My grandfathers tell us that all life will survive, that all life is important, even our planet, our mother, is alive , that we must live harmoniously with all life not just ourselves. To treat all life with respect and to not be greedy but to give more than we receive. It is knowledge and experience that are truly yours to keep, all else is not yours as it belongs to our mother. Not even your body is yours, she is just lending it to you for a little while.

So I ask, when you have your stockpiles of vitamin C and your producing gardens, will you feed ten people for ten years or will you feed 100 people for one year? Could you not be better served by teaching all 110 people to feed themselves with what our mother will give us? Remember that we are her children and she will provide for her children, it has been this way forever. The new buds in the spring from a pine tree when boiled will make a good tea that you can use to treat scurvy. But you must thank the tree when you take the buds with prayer.

Offered by Dan, a Cree Indian and member of Troubled Times.
