TEAM: Rogue Planet

The Coordinates, the Path as viewed from Earth, and Point of Passage specifics are given by the Zetas. Imaging Trends show an inbound complex, like a Stampede, predicted to be visible by the unaided eye by April, 2003. Pierre created a Precise Finder of the coordinates, and Garret a Constellation Finder. Pierre provided an early Size Guide and J computations on Size, Distance, and Arc Min/Sec for any date. Naji provided the Moon for Comparison to FITS images. The Zetas provided a Tail/Moon swirl range, and Naji translates this to Arc Min/Sec Span size. JWilliam provided a historical Persona Plot. Previous sci.astro Viewing Specs on the Smoldering and Red Planet X, and the Passage, are an overview and summary of what to look for.

Sightings, Photos, from the General Public, Starting 7 Weeks Before Passage

Jun21/2003: Sunset Sun/Moons from Ibiza showing dual reflections and increased intensity/closeness of Planet X. From Ibiza again, Intense Brightness, an increase in 2 Days, an increase in 7 Days, due to the effect of Planet X in front of the Sun. Santorini Webcam takeover and Doctoring and KeyWest Webcam takeover, all the same day! However, a monster Second Sun from Santorini slips through, showing the size increase within days.

Jun17/2003: Sunrise sighting report from South Africa. Sunrise Sun from Italy. Two Reflections at sunset from Santorini, and again, next day, the Sunset Sun has its own reflection. Sunset Sun/Moons from Lake Huron. Sunset Sun from Ohio. Sunset Sun/UFO from Ibiza of interest to submarines, and later Sunset Sun/Moons from Ibiza. Sunset Sun/Moons from Santorini, again showing them like an asteroid swarm. Two suns overexpose the light in this Noon Sun from Kentucky. Midday Sun from Washington State that stands the tests.

Jun14/2003: Webcams worldwide picking up Planet X, with sudden strange Mothership Effect noted too. Mothership in reflection in Spain. Noon Sun/Tail from New York. Dramatic Noon Sun from Greece. Sunset Sun series from Santorini, and another SunSet Sun from Santorini. Sunset Sun/Moons from Lake Huron, and Sunset Sun series from Texas showing independent Mothership Flare and Two Personas. Dramatic filtered Sunset Sun from Ontario. Sunset Sun from Australia. Sunrise Sun from Colorado. SOHO Up briefly, but down again as Planet X appears!

Jun10/2003: Dramatic Sunset Sun/Moon, and a Noon Sun double reflection on water from Santorini. Sunrise Sun from Ibiza. Midday Sun from Oregon through dark lens. Sunset sighting reports. Moon as Mirror from Antartica. UFOs appearing with the Mothership/Moons, a Mothership in Santorini, Mothership/Sun/Tail from Texas, and many Mothership sighting reports. SOHO/EIT cut and paste job with a Sunset Sun and a Mothership Sun from Santorini showing the same upper right spot, and later, the SOHO Down!

Jun6/2003: Mt. Wilson, under pressure to resume pointing at the Sunrise inserted Blanks, then a Substitute and another blank, then a Return. The next day, 5 More Blanks inserted between Valid Shots, then a Change in Direction away from where PlanetX Appears. Many reports of a Mothership Sun, despite Mothership Questions and an Overexposure similarities, a Sign to Mankind. A dramatic Mothership/Moons photo. Noon sighting reports, and the SOHO Down.

Jun3/2003: Live webcam at Mt. Wilson response and Explanation. Distinct Sunrise Sun from Australia and another Sunrise Sun from Oregon. Sunrise, Midday, and Sunset sightings and Reflection confusion. SOHO Burnout, during an unexplained Lapse in images. Partial Solar Eclipse reveals Planet X, and the Moon as Mirror from Florida! Sunset Sun from Italy showing PlanetX Moons.

May27/2003: Extreme SOHO Packet Loss due to Planet X and subsequent SOHO Doctoring evident. Another sunrise slideshow from Los Angeles Slide15, Slide16, Slide17, Slide18, Slide19, Slide20, Slide21, Slide22, Slide23, Slide24, Slide25 captured before Mt. Wilson observatory was aware. Noon Sun from Italy, and another Noon Sun from Brisbane.

May26/2003: Dramatic Sunrise Sun slideshow from Los Angeles coming Right/Under the Sun, with Planet X rising before the Sun in Slide1, Slide2, Slide3, Slide4, Slide5, Slide6, Slide7, Slide8, Slide9, Slide10, Slide11, Slide12, Slide13, Slide14. Amd a Sunset Sun from Arkansas.

May23/2003: Noon Sun from East Coast US showing two personas. Sunrise Sun, Midday Sun, and Noon Sun in Kentucky. And a Midday Sun accompanied by an odd daylong rainbow. Sunrise, Sunset, and Noon sightings!

May18/2003: Sunset, Sunrise, and Midday sighting reports. Sunset Sun from Florida, with repeat Sunset Sun the next day, and Sunset Sun from Connecticut. A Midday Sun from Honolulu and next to the Sun on the SOHO, both matching the Double Helix photo taken earlier! A SOHO Coverup emerged the next day. Sunset Sun from Pennsylvania with huge dust cloud lofting to the upper right, and SOHO taken same day matching this image capture!

May13/2003: Sunset Sun from Pensylvania with Analysis. A dramatic Sunrise Sun from Colorado followed the next day by another Sunrise Sun, with Analysis and Duplication attempt, and a Sunset Sun from Colorado. A Sunrise Sun from Moscow and another Sunrise Sun from the Ukraine! Another example of a Sundog from Washington, but also a valid Sunset Sun from Oregon. And first reports of a Midday Sun, an Ominous Warning, per the Zetas, and an unknown object next to the Sun on the SOHO.

May10/2003: Sunrise Sun from Oregon, Not a Lens Flare or Sundog, and appearing Just Before sunrise. A photo from London a mid-day, an example of a Lens Flare. Photos from Alberta, also a lens flare. And Sightings reports from around the world, too.

May6/2003: Sunset Sun from Washington, probably Not a Sundog and as predicted by the Zeta, following the sunrise appearance! Another Sunset Sun from Florida! A Sunset Sun from Vancouver.

May5/2003: Photos at sunrise from Quebec, but an uncertain capture.

May2/2003: A confirmed Sunrise Sun sighting with dramatic photos, from Greece! Not a SunDog, as comparison photos show, and as with all real threats, Discrediting Fakes were distributed on the Internet. And another Sunrise Sun from Greece the following day, but not yet showing at SunSet. Photos from Brisbane, AU, with analysis of the Corpus and Dust Cloud, and many Questions.

Apr30/2003: Additional Sightings in the light polluted evening sky and a confirmed Sunrise Sun from San Francisco, per the Zeta description!

Apr28/2003: A suspected Sunrise Sighting, with many later Similar Reports!

Apr23/2003: A photo from Spain, considered Legit, with the photographer Into the Mountains preparing for the shift. And another the day before, Long Exposure technique.

Apr20/2003: Additional Sightings from around the world, and additional Kodiak and Santa Monica and France frauds.

Apr17/2003: Attempts to debunk the dramatic North Carolina photo with a CopyCat Fake or an Obvious Fake fail, eventually an Imposter Claim, and subsequent Frauds and Suspicions abound.

Apr16/2003: Additional Sightings from around the world, including photos from North Carolina showing the double helix moon swirls.

Apr12/2003: Additional Sightings from around the world, including another purported photo from Hawaii taken from an airplane.

Apr8/2003: Additional Sightings and Proferred Photos from around the world. A second purported photo from Hawaii showing Braking Action, now considered a Fake.

Apr5/2003: A professional photo from France focusing on the corpus, a Red Persona near Taurus 83, when Enhanced, showing debris.

Apr4/2003: Additional Sightings from around the world, including a great, but questionable, photo from Hawaii! A Red Persona has been identified.

Mar31/2003: Additional Sightings from around the world, including photos proferred from Germany and Southeast US.

Mar25/2003: A report of many unaided eye sightings, assisted by Side of the Eye technique.

Where to Look for Planet X: See a guide made by Islander and the Imaging Team. An interactive by Location guide is also available. J provides a Passage Distance guide.

FITS Files from CCD Cameras, Amateur Scope, Done by the Sighting Team
from Fall 2002 to Early 2003

Note: the Latest Images taken by the teams are now made Available to the public, even before this TEAM page is updated. Note these CCD camera files are FITS files, which means one must use a FITS viewer which can be downloaded from a Harvard site. During April, 2003 the corpus speed causes Image Stretch and as Naji explains, a Complex Size running off the image.

Apr12/2003: Naji formed a Grid of Images of the complex, at set Coordinate Points with a Closeup star chart, of the area where the Red Persona appeared on Apr 4 for both Australia and France.

Apr5/2003: Naji began forming a Grid of Image of the complex at the Apr 7 coordinates, as it extends off a single image at this time as analysis of Frame 1 and Frame 2 show.

Mar24/2003: Naji secured a Set of Images, returning to a red filter. Steve uses Uranus as a size comparison, and finds a Clutter of new objects, and JWilliam finds some, now reflecting sunlight, to be the Intensity of stars.

Mar23/2003: Naji secured a Set of Images, taken without a red filter. Now at the the Distance of Uranus, which reflects sunlight, the Dust Cloud obscures the Corpus and moons like a sand storm, but occasional Moons become distinct.

Mar22/2003: Several Binocular and small scope sightings have been reported.

Mar9/2003: Naji again secured a Set of Images. Steve again finds a Close Look continueing to show a clutter of new objects. Nancy's Animation suggests the personas have again moved along the coordinate path, as have JWilliam's Candidates. Full JWilliam Analysis for the Mar 6-9 image sessions available.

Mar8/2003: Naji secured a Set of Images. Steve again finds a Close Look shows moons rivaling existing stars, and Nancy's Animation implies the persona has moved along the coordinate path. JWilliam spots the Corpus of the red and white personas as fairly large, diffuse areas.

Mar7/2003: Naji and Steve secured a Set of Images. Steve finds a Close Look shows a clutter of new objects at the coordinates, and Nancy's Animation attempts to differente the personas from temporary moon clusters. JWilliam finds these in the Sum of Frames as well.

Mar6/2003: Naji has secured a Single Image, which stands on its own! The intensely bright dust cloud noted by Steve and JWilliam also included new large objects not on the comparison USNO chart. However, it appeared that the Preceeding Session left a Ghost Image of the Orion Nebula, in the camera. Oddly, the nebula appears, but the bright Orion Stars do not. The Zetas explain that Sabotage was at play, due to the open Nature of the Rent-a-Scope environment. Bearing that in mind, JWilliam suggests persona Candidates.

Feb26/2003: An unconfirmed 10X Binocular sighting, done over the clear and unpolluted skies of the Amazon basin by a group of pilots on a major airline.

Feb22/2003: Naji has secured a Set of Images. Steve has provided a USNO comparison chart and an Animation showing a clear presence of a Planet X complex At the Coordinates! JWilliam finds the Dust Cloud vastly increased in size! JWilliam full analysis available.

Feb7/2003: The team secured a Set of Images. J. William finds during Pixel Analysis the Dust Shrouded corpus is evident. Steve provided an Animation. Pierre calculated the Pixel Movement along the Coordinate Path at this time. JWilliam calculates the Dust Cloud size with infor provided previously from Naji and the Zetas. Full J. William analysis available.

Feb3/2003: Naji and Steve have secured, from Arnie, a 2 hour Set of Images. Naji offers the Moon for comparison. J. William analysis available, Steve also noting a different Stretch for Planet X compared to background stars. The team discusses the Retrograde orbit impact.

Jan26,28,30/2003: Naji and Steve have secured several Image Sets for these dates. The Jan 26 Hour Long session shows distinct moons. Naji provides Weather reports for Jan 28&30. Steve finds the Jan 28th White Persona distinct and on path, with more Confirmation on Jan 30th. J.William finds Moons Galore on Jan 28th and a consistent Persona Smudge by Jan 30th. J. William full analysis for these dates available.

Jan25/2003: Naji and Steve have secured a Set of Images. Discussion on Red and White candidates for Jan 25 shows a Debunking Faux Pas. Nancy noted a Correlation in findings, and the Zetas explain why Planet X is more diffuse than its Moons. Naji offers Jupiter for comparison and explains how to determine the Tail Size in miles.

Jan18/2003: Naji secured a Set of Images, but a Full Moon ruined the session. Steve notes a Red Persona candidate, and JWilliam notes a White Persona and candidate with moon swirls, and notes the pixel size of objects has now increased.

Jan10/2003: Steve Havas and Naji secured a Set of Images. Coming on rapidly now, the Size/Distance creates a Cluttered Field with many candidates, requiring staying Oriented during analysis. Deep Sky images were used as comparison. Analysis identified the White and Red personas. An animation shows the Direction of tail swirl, and Pierre tracks the speed of a Moving Moon which is determined to be an Asteroid.

Dec27&28/2002: Steve Havas and Naji secured a Set of Images on both dates. For Dec 27th, JWilliam quickly identified the Whte/Red Personas, and the visibility of the Moons and Brightness/Size are increasing! For Dec 28th, Steve noted a Huge Splotch, a Swirl Overlap as the Zetas explain. Time of Image taking and the many moons present different Persona possibilties.

Dec13-14/2002: Steve Havas and Naji secured a Set of Images. Naji shows the Weather was clear. The White candidate is positioned between the Dec 6th and 18th Coordinates, but JWilliam notes slight Twitching. The Tail Whip is consisten with the coordinate trajectory. The Red candidate, which Moved during the long night, remains consistent in the Swirl of Moons, as the Zetas explain.

Dec4/2002: Steve Havas secured a Set of Images for the coordinates given for Dec 6, 2002. There was little doubt about best Candidate, showing on Each Frame, not on the DSS Comparison and the Zetas Confirm. The Swirl of Moons and dust cloud described by the Zetas is now clearly seen, and pixel analysis of the Red and White personas confirms increased brightness and size and Moons.

Nov15-16/2002: Naji has taken images with a Mewlon 300 with FLI Dream Machine. Steve identifed the path of the recent Coordinates. After the ususal Speculation both a Red and White Persona were identified, confirmed by the Zetas. Planet X is again Brighter, in only 4 days! The Tail Swirl has become visible, confirmed by Pixel Analysis.

Note: a Binning Change in camera used at this point. There are now more pixels per object..

Nov11/2002: Steve Havas secured a Set of Images for the coordinates given for Nov 15, 2002. Planet X was expected to move considerably between Nov 6-15, so a careful Analysis was done. The personas now show up on Each Frame, are brighter in both the White and Red personas and in the Total Light emitted, Larger than a comparison star on the DSS, and are on the Summary but are not on the comparison DSS. J. William Dell has also noticed a Gravitational Microlensing effect and a Tracking Ripple.

Oct11/2002: Steve Havas secured a Set of Images for the coordinates given for Oct 3, 2002. Planet X again moved, the White Light persona per coordinate direction, the Red Light persona bend per Date/Time/Loc as expected. J. William Dell again produced an Animation and an analysis of increasing brightness in the White and Red personas presenting. Pierre's Analysis discusses problems, but finds it presenting on the Median also. A Camera Twitch can produce confusion, and the Zetas Explain.

Oct4/2002: Steve Havas secured a Set of Images for the coordinates given for Oct 3, 2002. As with the 9/21/2002 images, Planet X shows up as a Red Object, Bent Less due to date and time changes, and a White Object. Pierre has identified the Zeta Oct 3, 2002 Coordinate Spot, and an alternative red object, but the Pierre's Sum of Red shows both Steve's candidates as bright. J. William Dell has done a Brightness Analysis, and an Animation.

Sep26/2002: Steve Havas, who never sleeps, has secured another set of Luminescent images only, but as with the 9/21/2002 images, Jan and Steve both found that nothing showed up. Pierre has provided links to the FITS files, and an analysis. As the Zetas said, Filtering for Red makes a difference.

Sep21/2002: Steve Havas secured a Set of Images for the coordinates given for Sep 15, 2002. Charles identifed a New Object, but Steve has an Alternate Candidate, and Jan a Third Candidate. Steve's candidate shows in Jan's Summary Images, and Pierre's Summary, but not in older star charts such as NEAT or ESO. Steve's candidate is in accordance with the red light Bending predicted by the Zetas, but the Zetas explain, both Steve's and Jan's are the Correct candidate. William explains, Not Noise.

Infrared Imaging, Done at Observatories in Early 2002

2002: On Jan 5, 2002 Imaging Began as a result of sci.astro debates ongoing, with a New Object on the infrared image, Absent in earlier images. Observatories were either Closed Indefinitely, as in Vancouver, Refusing to Look, as in South Africa, or Partially Cooperating, or Pretending to Cooperate, and in the Southeast US, all creating a Comic Situation. On Jan 19, 2002 Pierre-Eric at the Haute-Provence observatory in France took Infrared Images, confirming a Moving Object, and providing the Original CCD files. Imaging from Dec 5, 2001 was belately provided. An Analysis of the images shows an infrared object moving in accordance with the Zeta Coordinates provided months earlier. During May-June, 2002 viewing was In the Sun, then viewing in the Pre-Dawn difficult, but good by Fall, 2002 and best by Dec-Jan.

Sightings, Done at Observatories in Early 2001

2001: On Feb 7, 2001 the 12th Planet was Sighted at the coordinates given by the Zetas at a Swiss Observatory, the Neuchatel, but this appeared to have been a Non-Offical use of the observatory. The Zetas explain, Why Now? On April 1, 2001 a second sighting was made at the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff, AZ, again at the Zeta coordinates given for that date. This time Details on what was sighted were provided, and Confirmation. On April 8, 2001, a third sighting was made at Gordon Macmillan Southam observatory. This time curious Stalling actions on the part of observatory personnel was noted, and later an Admission and a temporary observatory Closing. The Zetas explain, Why Stall?

2000: Troubled Times members are actively soliciting help in locating the 12th Planet, which requires, at this time, a high powered telescope due to its distance at this time. A Web Search via a web telescope was started in 1999.

For information on ongoing TEAM activities, contact Nancy or Steve.